PacificSport Vancouver Island understands that safe participation in sport is paramount to positive sport experiences. The goal of Safe Sport planning is to recognize, reduce, and respond to misconduct in sport at all levels. When athletes, coaches, officials, and spectators are positive and activities operate in an environment of respect and safety, everyone benefits. Sport organizations in British Columbia are committed to creating a sport environment that is accessible, inclusive, respects their participants personal goals and is free from all forms of maltreatment.
“Safe Sport” ensures that environments in which staff interact for the purposes of sport are free of maltreatment, and are supported by and uphold behaviors defined in the BC Universal Code of Conduct (BCUCC)
Safe Sport education opportunities
Are you looking to advance your education in Safe Sport? Consider these free online courses:
- Go to thelocker.ca and log in to your account. Need to make account? Do so here: https://thelocker.coach.ca/account/login?mode=login
- Sign in with your account information and click on ELearning.
- Click in Multi Sport
- Select from the following courses to educate yourself on Safe Sport:
- Coaching Association of Canada: Safe Sport Training
- Understanding the Rule of Two
- Support Through Sport Series