Registered Coach Identification RENEWAL Questionnaire Full Name: Sport: Email Address: Mailing Address: City: Postal Code: Contact Phone Number: Contact by Text: YesNo If yes, who is your cell service provider (we require this information for email to text communication): Social Media Handles Do you create a periodized strength training program for your athlete(s): If no, who provides their strength training program, if applicable: Please list names of GymWorks, FoodStuff, MoreStuff and SportHealth Partner facilities you regularly use: Please provide any feedback that can help improve the benefits and programs offered by your Centre: Indicate your preferred days/times to attend PSVI workshops, seminars & events: Coach Agreement To "Agree" tick a box titled beside each of the following statements: i. I acknowledge my responsibility to abstain from the use of banned substances as outlined by the Canadian Policy Against Doping in Sport (2011) ii. I acknowledge my responsibility to be aware of and respect PacificSport VI partners both on and off the field of play iii. I give permission for Canadian Sport Institute Pacific/PacificSport to share my permanent address with the Canadian Sport Institute Pacific/PacificSport network of regional centres, Canadian Olympic Committee, Sport Canada, Coaches Association of Canada and the Sport Branch of the Provincial Government iv. I give permission for Canadian Sport Institute Pacific/PacificSport to use photos and/or videos that I appear in to be used for promotional puposes v. I give permission to be contacted by electronic messaging regarding Canadian Sport Institute Pacific/PacificSport fund development initiatives, coach benefits, programs, services, newsletters, performance points and promotional opportunities I, , as a coach registered with Canadian Sport Institute Pacific/PacificSport, agree to abide by the Coach obligations outlined above. E-Signature of Coach (named above): Sport: New Head Shot