Life After Concussion: Building resilience through education and self-management strategies Presented by Nanaimo Brain Injury Society and PacificSport For people who...

Coaches Week 2017

National Coaches Week is part of an initiative of ViaSport and PacificSport VI are planning an exciting week of events! Coaches...
Accessible Coaching: How to adapt your coaching to be more inclusive As a coach you may encounter working with an athlete...
James Ingersoll | Baseball James is a dedicated athlete who is always training hard, looking to improve his fitness. He is focused...
Kaitlyn Jinder | Wrestling Kaitlyn is a very hard working athlete who’s dedication to sport and training is incredible!  A gifted athlete,...
Jakob Yells | Mountain Bike Jake is is a very hard working, dedicated athlete who is new to our program this session....
Jenna Scott | Karate Although one of  the youngest members of NI IGNITE program, Jenna Scott demonstrates maturity beyond her years.  Jenna...
Jonah Shankar  | Jonah joined the North Island IGNITE team this Fall and has a deep desire to improve, learn and is proving...