PacificSport Vancouver Island’s Committment to Safe Sport

PacificsSport Vancouver Island understands that participation in sport does not always equal safety in sport. The goal of Safe Sport planning is to recognize, reduce, and respond to misconduct in sport at all levels. When athletes, coaches, officials, and spectators participate in quality sport where experiences are positive and activities operate in an environment of respect and safety, everyone benefits. Sport organizations in British Columbia are committed to creating a sport environment that is accessible, inclusive, respects their participants personal goals and is free from all forms of Maltreatment.

What is Safe Sport?

“Safe Sport” ensures that environments in which staff interact for the purposes of sport are free of maltreatment, and are supported by and uphold behaviours defined in the BC Universal Code of Conduct (BC UCC). PacificSport VI is committed to upholding SafeSport standards as a requirement of both provincial and federal funding.

PacificSport VI has signed onto the Responsible Coaching movement which seeks that staff:

  • Have appropriate background screening and criminal record checks
  • Uphold the “rule of two”, where athlete interactions with adults are open and observable and involve other staff to be present.
  • Have completed necessary training in ethics, safe sport, and/or the prevention of child abuse.

All PacificSport VI staff have completed Commit to Kids training. All PacificSport Vi staff, volunteers, and the Board of Directors are required to undergo a Criminal Record Check (for working with children and vulnerable adults) yearly.

viaSport Flag Tool for Sport

viaSport’s Flag Tool for Sport is an anonymous tool to help coaches, parents, and administrators to identify and create strategies around addressing behaviors related to safety in sport. If you are unsure of whether a behavior from someone in your sport environment is appropriate or not, you can use this tool to learn more about how to address the behavior and take next steps in resolving the issue at hand. No complaints are filed through this tool. It simply provides next steps to manage difficult situations you witness in sport.

Flag Tool for Sport


Safe Sport education opportunities

Are you looking to advance your education in Safe Sport? Consider these free online courses:

  1. Go to and log in to your account. Need to make account? Do so here:
  2. Sign in with your account information and click on ELearning. 
  3. Click in Multi Sport
  4. Select from the following courses to educate yourself on Safe Sport: 
    1. Coaching Association of Canada: Safe Sport Training

  1. Understanding the Rule of Two

  1. Support Through Sport Series


How to report Maltreatment

Any person who observes or has a suspicion of maltreatment, and/or believes that observed or suspicious behaviours are in violation of the BC UCC should be directed to the Provincial Safe Sport investigatory mechanism. Staff and clients are also encouraged to contact the Canadian Sport Helpline 1-888-83SPORT (1-888-837-7678) if they observed, and/or have a suspicion of, maltreatment during their PacificSport Vancouver Island duties.

External clients who believe PacificSport Vancouer Island staff or volunteers are in violation of the BC UCC or UCCMS should consult the Canadian Sport Helpline, and appropriate National or Provincial investigative mechanism. If third party investigative mechanism does not exist, external complaints should be reported to their sport organization and PacificSport Vancouver Island.

Complaints may be made to PacificSport Vancouver Island Executive Director Michel Woolner at

Associated Policies

B.C. Universal Code of Conduct

PacificSport Vancouver Island adpts and accepts all the language contained in the BC Universal Code of Conduct. An individual who violates the BC Universal Code of Conduct may be subject to sanctions pursuant to the PacificSport Vancouver Island Displine, Complaints, and Dispute Resolution Policy.

Additional Resources

BC211: A comprehensive guide to services throughout BC.

Commit to Kids: The Commit to Kids (C2K) for Coaches online training empowers coaches and other sport leaders with practical information to helpf them enhance child and youth safety in sport.

Foundry BC: Foundry offers young people ages 12-24 health and wellness resources, services and supports – online and through integrated service centres in communities across BC.

Haven Society: Haven provides drop in for anyone who thinks that they may have experienced abuse and need to talk to someone.

24/7 Haven Community Crisis Line 1 888 756-0616

Respect in Sport: The Respect in Sport Activity Leader/Coach Program educates youth leaders, coaches, officials, and participants to recognize, understand, and respond to issues of bullying, abuse, harassment, and discrimination.

CAC Safe Sport Training: Creating a culture where everyone can thrive is a shared responsibility. The Safe Sport Training module developed by the Coaching Association of Canada will help anyone involved in sport identify and prevent situations of maltreatment.

Rule of Two: The goal of the Rule of Two is to ensure all interactions and communications are open, observable, and justifiable. Its purpose is to protect participants and coaches in potentially vulnerable situations by ensuring more than one adult is present.

BC Helpline for Children: A confidential toll-free phone line for children and youth wanting to talk to someone – call 310-1234 (no area code required)

VictimLinkBC: A toll-free, confidential, multilingual telephone and online service available across B.C. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week which provides information and referral services to all victims of crime and immediate crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence.

Resilience BC: Anti-Racism Network provides information about how to report incidences of racism and hate crimes if you are a victim or witness such incidences.

Crime Victim Services: This is a resource to call if you have any questions about whether what happened to you is considered a crime.

Safe Sport Presentation – CRDSC.pdf

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