PacificSport VI is pleased to announce our four recipients of our 2022 bursaries, continuing with Arthur Miller! Arthur has been awarded one of two PacificSport VI High Potential Bursaries for…
PacificSport VI is pleased to announce our four recipients of our 2022 bursaries, continuing with Arthur Miller! Arthur has been awarded one of two PacificSport VI High Potential Bursaries for…
Following a twelve-month curriculum, PacificSport Vancouver Island’s inaugural Coach Academy cohort has graduated from the program. . The six graduates, including two Canadian Olympians, receive Sport Development Coaching Certificate certification…
PacificSport VI is pleased to announce our four recipients of our 2022 bursaries, continuing with Emmy Lan! Emmy has been awarded one of two PacificSport VI High Performance Bursaries for…
PacificSport VI is pleased to announce our four recipients of our 2022 bursaries, beginning with Cameron Laturnus! Cameron has been awarded one of two PacificSport VI High Potential Bursaries for…
PacificSport VI’s 2021 Annual General Meeting is just over one month away, on September 29, 2021 at 7:00pm. This year’s meeting will be held online via Zoom, and all organization…
From viaSport British Columbia B.C.’s Restart is the Province’s step-by-step plan to bring us back together. Please remember, the intention of the Restart is to slowly return to activities. Organizations…
Call for Nominations to the PacificSport Vancouver Island Board of Directors PacificSport Vancouver Island is currently seeking passionate individuals to serve on their Board of Directors. Candidates will be able…
PacificSport Vancouver Island has set it’s 2020 Annual General Meeting. The meeting will take place at 7:00pm on Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020 via Zoom. To pre-register for the Zoom meeting, please…
This has been a big week for return to sport with the release of the Phase 3 addition to our Guidelines. We are pleased to see organizations beginning to plan…
viaSport is pleased to release the Return to Sport Guidelines for Phase 3: Progressively Loosen. As we move to the next phase, viaSport has consulted with the Ministry of Tourism,…